Friday 16 March 2012

Marketing Management MODEL PAPER

              Model Question Paper 

Subject: Marketing Management                                  Subject code: MB 0030.

Total Time: 2 hours                                            Total Marks: 140


1. Question paper is divided into three parts i.e. Part A, Part B, and Part C.

2. Part A consist 40 questions of one mark each

3. Part B consist 20 questions of 2 marks each.

4. Part C consist 15 questions of 4 marks each.

5. All questions are compulsory

                                   PART A (One mark questions)

1.      The market in large town catering to the needs of villages and towns is known as---------

        a.      Local market

        b.      Regional market

        c.      National market

        d.      Global market

2.      Objective of --------- concept is profit through customer satisfaction

        a.      Production concept

        b.      Product concept

        c.      Selling concept

        d.      Marketing concept

3.      Which one of the following model is known as growth share matrix?

        a.      BCG matrix
        b.      Henry Assael model 

        c.      GE matrix 

        d.      Ansoff model 

4.      Valuable competencies, physical assets and human assets represent companies ’ 

        a.      Strengths 

        b.      Weaknesses 

        c.      Opportunities 

        d.      Threats 

5.      The example of macro environment is 

        a.      Supply chain 

        b.      competitor 

        c.      customer 

        d.      natural  resources 

6.      People for ethical treatment of animals is -------- type of publics 

        a.      Financial publics 

        b.      media publics 

        c.      citizen action groups 

        d.      Internal publics 

7.      Marketing research process starts with 

        a.      developing the research plan 

        b.      defining the problem 

        c.      collecting the information 

        d.      present the findings 

8.      Mall intercept method is 

        a.      asking the people to shop in mall. 
        b.      training customer how to pick goods in mall 

        c.       Interviewing the people in shopping mall 

        d.      Promotion by shopping mall owner 

9.      ----------------- is the combination of customs, beliefs, and values of consumers in a 
particular nation. 

        a.       Culture 

        b.      Subculture 

        c.       Social class 

        d.      Global factors 

10.     Which of the following social class category is considered as below poverty line 

        a.      Deprived 

        b.      Aspires 

        c.      Seekers 

        d.      Strivers 

11.     ------------- is the highest need in the Maslow hierarchy 

        a.      Self actualization 

        b.      Safety 

        c.      Physiological 

        d.      Esteem 

12.     Which of the following is driven from Freudian Psychology? 

        a.      The economic model 

        b.      The learning model 

        c.      The psychoanalytical model 

        d.      The sociological model 

13.     Value analysis is done in the ----------stage of business buying process 
        a.       Need description 

        b.       Product specification 

        c.       Supplier search 

        d.       Proposal solicitation. 

14.     Comparing the buying situations against the stages in buying process is called as 

        a.       Buyer black box model 

        b.       Henry assael model 

        c.       Business buying process 

        d.       Buy grid model 

15.     ------------is the starting step in applying the marketing strategy 

        a.        Segmentation 

        b.       Positioning 

        c.       targeting 

        d.       Marketing audit 

16.     Consumers who show no loyalty to any brand is called as 

        a.       Hard- core loyal 

        b.       Split loyal 

        c.       shifting loyal 

        d.       Switchers 

17.     Which of the following is not a type of behavioral segmentation? 

        a.       life style 

        b.        Occasions 

        c.       Benefits 

        d.       User status 
18.     Two dimensional graphs of how product, brand or company is perceived versus 
competition is known as 

        a.      Market mapping 

        b.      Positioning maps 

        c.      Consumer demographics profile 

        d.      Segment profiling 

19.     -----------is the fundamental goods or services offered to the consumer 

        a.       core product 

        b.      Generic product 

        c.      Expected product 

        d.      augmented product 

20.     Which one of the following is an example of business goods? 

        a.      convenience goods 

        b.       unsought goods 

        c.      specialty goods 

        d.      Materials and parts 

2 1.    The number of product line represents 

        a.      Product line length 

        b.      product line stretching 

        c.      Product line filling 

        d.      product line pruning 

22.     The removing of unprofitable products from the product line is called as 

        a.      Product line filling 

        b.      product line pruning 

        c.      product line length 
        d.      Product line stretching 

23.     The number of customer exposed to brand name is called as-------------- 

        a.      Brand associations 

        b.      brand loyalty 

        c.      brand awareness 

        d.      perceived quality 

24.     The strategy of coming out with new brand for new category products is called as 

        a.      Line extension 

        b.      brand extension 

        c.      Multi brands 

        d.      new brands 

25.     Reliability, responsiveness, Assurance and empathy explains 

        a.       Service differentiation 

        b.      Service quality 

        c.      Service productivity 

        d.      Service characteristics 

26      If the number of products produced increases then 

        a.      Fixed cost remain same 

        b.      variable cost remain same 

        c.       fixed cost will go down 

        d.      variable cost become negative 

27.     Break even point occurs when 

        a.      total revenue = total cost 

        b.      total revenue= fixed cost 

        c.      total revenue= variable cost 
        d.       total revenue= sunk cost 

28.     Which one of the following strategy is adopted by Wal-Mart? 

        a.       Close bid pricing 

        b.       going rate pricing 

        c.       every day low pricing 

        d.      High low pricing 

29.     A strategy in which company stocks goods in limited number of retail outlets is called 

        a.       Intensive distribution 

        b.       Selective distribution 

        c.       Exclusive distribution 

        d.       direct selling 

30.     ----------- is the process of unpacking big packets into small packets 

        a.       Sorting 

        b.      Breaking bulk 

        c.      Holding stock 

        d.       channels of communication 

31.     -------- stores sell products at low prices with low margin 

        a.      Discount store 

        b.       off price retailer 

        c.       Super store 

        d.       convenience store 

32.     Which is paid form of non personal communication? 

        a.       sale promotion 

        b.       public relation 

        c.      personal selling 
        d.       advertising 

33.     News paper report, TV presentations are-------- tools 

        a.      advertising 

        b.      personal selling 

        c.       sales promotion 

        d.      Public relations 

34.     Hoardings, billboards and posters are some of the tools used in------- media 

        a.      Print 

        b.      broad cast 

        c.      Outdoor 

        d.       Online 

35.     Quotas set on the bases of sales volumes is known as 

        a.       Sales quota 

        b.      Expense quota 

        c.      Profit quota 

        d.      Activity quota 

36.     ------------ is the first step in personal selling process 

        a.      Lead  evaluation 

        b.      lead generation 

        c.      Buyer analysis 

        d.      Order generation 

37.     Partnering in CRM involves 

        a.      Manufacturers and suppliers 

        b.      Advertising agencies 

        c.      Alliance between firm and competitors 
        d.     Alliance between firm and non profit organization 

38.     Humanistic relationship development depends on 

        a.     soft versions of SCM 

        b.     soft version of relationship marketing 

        c.     hard version of SCM 

        d.     hard version of relationship marketing 

39.     In ---------- international market entry strategy company provides know how to the 
domestic manufacturer 

        a.     Exporting 

        b.     Licensing 

        c.     contract manufacturing 

        d.     Management contracting 

40.     --------- pricing MNC moves goods between its subsidiaries in various countries 

        a.     cost based pricing 

        b.     demand based pricing 

        c.     Transfer pricing 

        d.     competition based pricing 

                                      PART B (two marks) 

41.     Cotton and textile marketed located in Mumbai is an example of ------- 

        a.     National market 

        b.     Global market 

        c.     Regional market 

        d.     Local market 

42.     Relative market share is calculated as 
        a.      Market potential/ market share of the largest competitor 

        b.      Market potential/ market share 

        c.      market share of the SBU/ market share of the largest competitor 

        d.      market share of the SBU/ Market potential of the largest competitor 

43.     The forces which are very close to company and have impact on value creation and 
customer service are known as 

        a.      political and legal environment 

        b.      social and cultural environment 

        c.      micro environment 

        d.      economic and natural environment 

44.     The process of searching through information in data warehouse to identify meaningful 
patterns that guide decision making is called as ------- 

        a.      data warehouse 

        b.      data mining 

        c.      Marketing decision support system. 

        d.      data validation 

45.     Dominance, Autonomy and defensive attributes symbolize -------- factors of consumer 

        a.      Cultural factors 

        b.      Social factors 

        c.      Personal factors 

        d.      Psychological factors 

46.     Complex buying behavior occurs when 

        a.      significant difference between brands and high involvement exists 

        b.      significant difference between brands and low involvement exists 

        c.      few differences between brands and high involvement exists 
        d.       few difference between brands and low involvement exists 

47.     Complete the process 

Problem recognition, Ned description, --------------, supplier search, ---------- supplier selection, 
order routine specification, performance review. 

        a.      prototype development and proposal association. 

        b.      Prototype development and product specification. 

        c.      Product specification and proposal association. 

        d.      Product specification and commercialization 

48.     ------ is a market coverage strategy in which the company treats the largest market as one 
and does not consider that there are market segments that exhibit uncommon needs 

        a.      Undifferentiated marketing 

        b.       Differentiated marketing 

        c.      concentrated marketing 

        d.      Positioning 

49.     Which of the following statement suits the need family best? 

        a.      those items within a product line that share one of several possible forms of the 

        b.      the name associated with one or more items in the product line that is used to 
                identify the source or character of the item. 

        c.      The core need that underlines the product family. 

        d.      All the product classes that can satisfy a core need with reasonable effectiveness 

50.     Private labeling is defined as 

        a.      brand owned by manufacturer and promoted directly or indirectly. 

        b.      these are store brands. 

        c.      It is the legal authorization by the trade marked brand owner to allow another 
                company to use its brand for a fee. 
        d.      The practice of using the established brand names of two different companies on 
                the same product. 

51.     Which one of the following is incorrect regarding service differentiation? 

        a.      Supply chain management practices are tools for service differentiation. 

        b.      Image is used as factor differentiate services 

        c.      Competition is an important factor for service differentiation. 

        d.      Service firms can be differentiated on the bases of goods they produce. 

52.     The formula for unit cost calculation is 

        a.      unit cost= variable cost+( fixed cost/ unit sales) 

        b.      Unit cost= (variable cost+ fixed cost)/ unit sales 

        c.      Unit cost= (variable cost* unit sales)/ fixed cost 

        d.      Unit cost=( variable cost* fixed cost)/Unit sales 

53.     Which one of the following do not describe the Initiating the price changes strategies 

        a.      companies reduce their price when they have excess capacity 

        b.      Falling market share in the face of strong competition 

        c.       rising cost of raw materials 

        d.      dominate the market through lower costs 

54.     Variety of products like raw materials, machines, machine tools, equipments, components 
and spares are sold in 

        a.      Consumer goods market 

        b.      Industrial good market 

        c.      Non profit market 

        d.      Government market 

55.     Please mention any one of the following used for transportation of the Oil with a better 

        a.      Air transportation 
        b.      Water transportation 

        c.      Surface transportation 

        d.      Pipeline 

56.     Example of hypermarket is 

        a.      Tanishq 

        b.      Shoppers stop 

        c.      food world 

        d.      reliance mart 

57.     Read the promotion message and identify the promotion technique 

        ‘ Britannia khao, world cup jao’ 

        a. price promotion 

        b. contest promotion 

        c. Multiple promotions 

        d. Add on promotion 

58.     Diversification is the strategy in which company----------- 

        a.      increases the sales of company’s existing products without modifying it in the  
                existing market. 

        b.      identifies the new markets to sell their existing products. 

        c.      Identifies the existing market to sell their new products. 

        d.      growth through starting up or acquiring businesses outside the company’s current  
                products and markets 

59.     Demographic environment describes the 

        a.      size, location, density and gender. 

        b.      monetary policies 

        c.      interest rate, Inflation, change in income. 

        d.      working women and rise of metro sexual man 
60.      Recurrent information is the data that---------- 

         a.      MIS supplies periodically 

         b.       collected through scanning journals 

         c.       derived for specific problem 

         d.       collected one time only 

                                              PART C (4 marks) 

61.      Company X is operating in FMCG segment. The market share of the   company  and its 
         largest   competitor    are  8%    and  54%    respectively.   If  the  industry     growth     rate  and 
         company   growth       rate  are  24%   and   50   %,  what   is  the  relative  market    share  of  the 

         a.       1.4 

         b.       0.14 

         c.       0.014 

         d.       11.4 

62.      If the market is classified on the basis of nature of goods sold then what type of market 
         soaps and detergents represents 

         a.      government market 

         b.       consumer goods market 

         c.      industrial goods market 

         d.      Non profit market 

63.      Café- coffee  day  a  reputed   coffee   chain   in   south   India,   started   its   operation   in   brigade 
         road, Bangalore, in the year 1996. It offers different varieties of the coffee to its existing 
         customers. Today it is having 100 stores in Bangalore. If this paragraph is analyzed on 
         the basis of Igor Ansoff model of product / market expansion which one of the following 
         quadrant it resembles 

         a.      market penetration 

         b.      product development 
        c.       Market development 

        d.       Diversification 

64.     ORG- MARG, AC Neilson and IMRB are 

        a.       Soap manufacturing companies 

        b.       Hair oil manufacturing companies 

        c.       Marketing software development companies 

        d.       marketing research agencies 

65.     Directions:    Mark    A  if  both  the  statements   are  TRUE     and  the  reason   is  a  correct 
        explanation of the statement. Mark B if both the statements are TRUE but the reason is 
        NOT   correct   explanation   of   the   statement.   Mark   C   if   the assertion   is   TRUE   and   the 
        reason is FALSE. Mark D if the assertion is False and the reason is true 

                               Assertion        Reason 
                               Consumer         Spending 
                               spending         pattern 
                               pattern          depends 
                               decides the      upon the 
                               condition of     geographical 
                               economic         places 
                               and natural      where 
                               environment      people live. 

a.      A 

b.      B 

c.      C 

d.      D        a. A 

66.     Match the following 

 Components                  Description 

      1)  Internal           i.      Information 
          record system              about          the 

      2)  Marketing          ii.     Provides 
          intelligence               information     on 
          system                       specific 

      3)  Marketing           iii.     Marketing 
          research                     decision 
          system                       support 

      4)  Analytical          iv.      Sales 
          Marketing                    information 
          system                       systems 

         a.  1)-iv, 2)-i, 3)- ii, and 4)- iii. 
         b.  1)-iv, 2)- iii, 3)-i  and 4)- ii. 
         c.  1)-iii, 2)-i, 3)- iv and 4)- ii. 
         d.  1)-iii, 2)- iv, 3) –i, and 4)- ii 

67.      Match the following by analyzing Ansoff’s matrix. 

         1. Market penetration              a. New markets and new products. 

         2. Product development             b. New markets and present products 

         3. Market development              c. Present markets and new markets. 

         4. Diversification                 d. Present markets and present products 

         a. 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d 

         b. 1-d, 2-c, 3-b,4-a 

         c. 1-a, 2-c, 3-d,4-b 

         d. 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d 

68.      Match the following on the basis of research approaches. 

         1. Observational research          a. skilled moderator led group discussion 

         2. Focus group research            b. data collection by watching. 
        3. Survey research               c. actual purchase reflects consumer preferences. 

        4. Behavioral research           d. use of questionnaire 

        a. 1-d, 2-c, 3-a,4-b 

        b. 1-b, 2-a, 3-d,4-c 

        c. 1-c, 2-b, 3-d,4-a 

        d. 1-c, 2-b, 3-a, 4-d 

69.     Match the following 

        1. Deprived     a. People earn less than Rs 90,000 

        2. Aspires      b. People earn between Rs 200,000 to Rs500, 000 

        3. Seekers      c. People earn between Rs 500,000 and 1,000,000 

        4. Strivers     d. People earn between Rs 90,000 to Rs 200,000 

        a. 1-a, 2-c, 3-d,4-b 

        b. 1-a, 2-d, 3-b,4-c 

        c. 1-b, 2-a, 3-d,4-c 

        d. 1-c, 2-b, 3-a, 4-d 

70.     Match the following on the basis of psychographic segmentation 

        1. Innovators            a. Young, vital and enthusiastic 

        2. Thinkers              b. successful, sophisticated, and active 

        3. Achievers             c. Mature, satisfied, and comfortable 

        4. Experiencers          d. career ad work oriented people 

        a. 1-d, 2-c, 3-a,4-b 

        b. 1-b, 2-d, 3-a,4-c 

        c. 1-b, 2-c, 3-d,4-a 

        d. 1-c, 2-b, 3-a, 4-d 

71.     Match the following 
         1. Convenience goods              a. Washing machine 

        2. Shopping goods                  b. FMCG 

         3. Specialty goods                c. Insurance scheme 

        4. Unsought goods                  d. Digital home theatre. 

         a. 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c 

        b. 1-a, 2-d, 3-b, 4-c 

         c. 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d 

         d. 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a 

72.     Match the following 

         1. Product line length            a. removing the unprofitable products from the product 

        2. Product line stretching         b. adding more items in the present line 

         3. Product line filling           c. lengthening the product line 

        4. Product line pruning            d. The number of items in the product line 

         a. 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c 

        b. 1-a, 2-d, 3-b, 4-c 

         c. 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d 

         d. 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a 

73.     According to National sample survey 2005-06, Monthly per capita consumption in rural 
         and     urban   areas   is   Rs625.and   Rs1,   171.Similarly   Food   expenditure   in   monthly  per 
         capita consumption in rural and urban areas are  53 % and  40%.respectively. 

        Which one of the economic environment variable we are discussing here 

         a.       interest rate 

        b.       consumer spending pattern 

         c.      inflation 

         d.      Changes in income 
74.      Radio   Indigo,   FM   radio   station   from   Jupiter   capital   venture  operates   in   Bangalore   and 
         Goa,   plays   international   music.   Radio   indigo   targets   youth   segment   who   like   western 

         Describe the external environment force we are discussing from this section 

         a.       demographic environment 

         b.       Natural environment 

         c.      technological environment 

         d.      Political environment 

75.      BSNL      offers  prepaid    service  recharge    coupons    in  Rs175,    Rs335,    Rs500,    Rs  1000, 
         Rs2000 and Rs 5000 denominations. 

         What marketing mix is used in the above paragraph? 

         a.       product 

         b.      place 

         c.      price 

         d.       promotion 

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